Exhibit 01

Exhibit 01


Watch Gawura inviting you to Raymaŋgirr (Marraŋu’s homeland) and showing where Marraŋu’s Diplomacy emerges and lies.

Original Texts in Yolŋu languagesTranslation by GawuraNotes
Yolŋuw diplomacyny dhuwal rom ŋali dhu mala manapanmirr romgu manikaywu, makarr Garmaw’, Riyawarraw’, Buku-Ḻupku, Waṉdjurrwu ga yindi Ŋärraw’ Waṉa-Ḻupthunamirri romgu.Diplomacy for Yolŋu is a way where we can get together and meet on ceremonies such as songline with clapsticks, Makarr GarmaRiyawarra, cleansing ceremony, smoking and big Ŋärra ceremony.Makarr Garma: a spatio-temporal arena where everyone’s participation is taken seriously.   Riyawarra: A place of public knowledge practice, participation, and performance. At Riyawarra the representation of all Yolŋu knowledges are made visible and treated equally with seriousness.   Ŋärra: Restricted, closed and sacred ceremony involving sacred objects.   
Rom marrtji ŋayatham dhämanar’ malanynha bilmagurr manikaygurr ga riŋgitjgurr.There are ways of rom that we have in our culture that links to one Yolŋu nation to other nations through Riŋgitj.Riŋgitj: A geographic-ancestral-assemblage where the journey of songlines comes to each other. This clot forms a micro assembly upon which several patrilineal groups of people form a ceremonial and ancestral alliance.
Ŋoygurr gapugurr, ḏiltjigurr ga garramaṯgurr.Songlines in the water, creeks, land and above in the sky.
Dhäwum-bunhaminyawuy manikaywuy rom Yolŋuw ga ŋorra nininyŋu nyirrpanawuy waŋarrwuŋ yän Dhuwaw yolŋuw ga Yirritjaw. Rom dhuwal nininyŋu ŋäthiliŋu buḻanbuḻan dhärranhayŋu birr’ baman’buy.A particular songline that Yolŋu share another group of Yolŋu is something that has been placed and founded by our Ancestral Beings a long time before; this is for both moieties Dhuwa and Yirrtja. It was set up long time ago by our creators.  Dhuwa / Yirritja: Everyone and everything of Yolŋu world belongs to either Dhuwa or Yirritja – moiety in anthropological terminology.
Ḻuŋ’maranhaminyawuy ga mala manapanminyawuy dhuwal rom ŋurukiyiw yän romgu ga dhunupagurr dhuwurrgurr yan malthun dhu ga djäma ŋanya dhu manymakgurr yan.Yolŋu assembling or congregating for ceremonies make sure that ceremony is performed in the way it is meant to be. Through the right pathway for all Yolŋu ceremonies.
Riŋgitj mala marrtji ŋorra beŋur bala walu marrtji dhawaṯthun dhipal bala walu marrtji gärri.There are connections and alliance; people from the sunrise to the sunset.sunrise: northeast arnhemland sunset: western arnhemland
Bäydhi ŋunhi matha wiripu ga waŋa ŋayi ŋuruŋiyi riŋgitj dhu rom dhu mala manapan bala dharaŋanmirra ŋuruŋirriyindhi dhukarrgurr,It doesn’t matter if their languages are different but through that riŋgitj,
Balanya napurruŋ ga Yolŋuw rom malanynha ŋorra, dhärra ga barraŋga’yun.we; yolŋu unite and get together for the ceremonies. This how it is for us; Yolŋu.
Rom ŋanapurruŋ Yolŋuw dhuwal waŋganypuy dharrkunpuy yan nyerranhawuy birr’ baman’puy waŋarryu mala walalapi yan nyirrpar ga dhuḏi- nininyŋun yan gupa-ḏälŋunha.Yolŋu foundation and common ground for our heritage and ceremony use has been created, placed or introduced to Yolŋu as from the beginning; once and for all by our ancestral beings.
Yaka napurr dhu bokman yaṯagum wo ŋamaŋamayun yuṯa.We don’t create or invent new. Ours has been placed already to use once and for all.
Dhäthu märram napurr ŋulil wiripuny bäpurruny wo Yolŋuny ŋurigurruyi nininyŋugurr romgurr balayi yan nininyŋulil ŋäthiliŋulil ŋunhi walal bokmar waŋarryu.We gather together through that pathway that has been placed for us, once and for all forever.
Balandaw rom nhumalaŋ nhuma ŋuli dhä-wäthun wiripulil wäŋalil wiripuw Balandaw ŋunhi nhuma yakan marŋgi nhumalaŋguwuy nhuma wo bäyŋun nhuma ŋäthil gumurr-bunanhamin, bäyŋun nhumalaŋ gi riŋgitj ŋuli bokmanawuy waŋarrwuŋ.Balanda way (of diplomacy) is that you create, invent, and make it new by calling or trying with other countries to meet, get to know each another, and talk about things for something for the first time, then make an agreement or partership.Balanda: Western knowledge practitioner
Yan nhuma ŋuli waŋanhamirr ga ḻundugunhamirr yuṯan buḻumbabmaraman yan. Bayŋu ŋäthiliŋu dhukarr bunhawuy wo djämapuy gi ŋurri ŋula yolguŋ nhumalaŋ.These two countries or Balandas haven’t met before or haven’t got any cennections and alliance. Nothing has been placed before by something or someone. Not like ours.